"Babette Perfect" - A Drama in One Act

Babette Perfect  

by      Kevin Baldwin (Author) 

Cast of Characters

CAM: A 48-year-old heavy-set man

BABETTE: A 49-year-old disheveled looking homeless woman

ORDERLY: Approximately 30-years-old

DR. GLOVITCH: Medical Personnel

2 Men; 1 Woman; 1 Either

The Setting:

2010: Dawn at Millborough Hospital


Middle-aged CAM enters a hospital room, encountering a woman he had known in his youth. The two engage in a discussion of past missteps which may have brought them to where they find themselves this day.

Costumes & Props:

Left to the discretion of the Directors and Producers.

Disclaimer: All rights reserved. Copying or reproducing this material or any part of this book in any manner is strictly prohibited by law. All other rights in this play, including those of professional production, radio broadcasting, motion picture rights, are controlled by Kevin T. Baldwin to whom all inquiries should be addressed.

PERFORMANCE LICENSE  All amateur acting rights to this play are controlled exclusively by Kevin T. Baldwin without whose permission no performance, reading or presentation of any kind may be given. On all programs and advertising this notice must appear: “Produced by special arrangement with Kevin T. Baldwin”