Casting 3 men, 3 women
Synopsis – A couple find themselves prisoners, trapped serving as butler and maid to a hedonistic wealthy couple who treat them with extreme manic and sadistic cruelty. What could they have done to earned such a fate?
Cast of Characters
MAN OF THE HOUSE – Handsome gentleman. Manic, seemingly debonair one moment, but then quite cruel the next. Flexible casting over the age of 20.
BUTLER – Looks, dresses and acts like a stereotypical household servant. All movements and speech are being controlled by some unknown force which never gets revealed. Flexible casting over the age of 20.
MAID - Looks, dresses and acts like a stereotypical household servant. All movements and speech are being controlled by some unknown force which never gets revealed. Flexible casting over the age of 20
LADY OF THE HOUSE – Elegantly dressed, almost as if going to an old style ball. Also quite manic in behavior. Seemingly refined one moment, but then can be quite cruel the next. Flexible casting over the age of 20.
GENEVIEVE – A young girl, age range 8 through 14. Wide range of emotions. Must be able to play expressionless, brooding and introverted up until the climax of the play when she then becomes extremely violent.
ELDERLY MAN – Older English man. Working class. Flexible casting over the age of 20.
ELDERLY WOMAN – Older English woman. Working class. Flexible casting over the age of 20.
(All speak with British accents)
A prayer to goddess Isis: "Oh Isis, protect me from all things evil and red"
PERFORMANCE LICENSE All amateur acting rights to this play are controlled exclusively by Kevin T. Baldwin without whose permission no performance, reading or presentation of any kind may be given. On all programs and advertising this notice must appear: “Produced by special arrangement with Kevin T. Baldwin”
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